Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm so glad it's Friday

This has seemed like a long week. My family is glad it's Friday.

It felt like a long week on Monday when...
We headed out of the mountains for home, at the end of our wonderful Colorado ski trip. The snow started Sunday afternoon and was expected to drop 2-3 ft. of snow in the mountains by end of the day Tuesday. We watched the weather carefully, and knew that we would drive out of the snow in the first hour or so. We got up early so that we had some cushion in our schedule. We knew it would be slow going through the mountains--and it was veeeery slooooow going through the mountains.  These are pictures as we travelled east on I-70 (west of Denver).  We left at 7am and drove about 40mph. The snow added about 45 minutes to our trip. At one point we almost stopped all the traffic on east I-70 when our van couldn't make it up a hill. We were very relieved to get this part of the trip behind us.
We heard that later in the day on Monday, a 2 hr. trip took 5 hours, and that the interstate closed at one point. We were glad we headed out early that morning. When we reached Denver it was 50 degrees and sunny. Then we made tracks for home--and we weren't driving 40mph anymore. We got home by 9 pm.

It felt like a long week on Tuesday when...
I realized what my calendar looked like for that day.  We had our normal life to jump back into, with school, band lessons, piano lessons, dog-walking, a vet appointment for our dog, etc.
Byron had hurt his thumb pretty badly on the first day of skiing, so he went to the doctor for an x-ray and found out that it was broken. We got punched it the gut with real life on our first day back!

It felt like a long week on Wednesday when...
Byron went to an orthopedic surgeon and learned that he would be having surgery on his hand the next morning. It was a bit easier day than normal for us at home, and I'm very thankful for that.

It felt like a long week on Thursday when...
we got to the clinic in Des Moines for Byron's surgery at 9:30 and the power went off 15 minutes later.
I was his driver, so I had rearranged my day until approx. 2:00, when we expected to get back home. Instead, we sat and waited for the power to come back on for 90 minutes. (They didn't want anyone to leave, because they would rush their patients into surgery the minute the power came on...whenever that would be.)  He eventually had his surgery and all went well, but it was a looooong day. We got home at 5:00 instead of 2:00. I was really glad for supper in the crock pot.

My teenagers have had a long week too, making up school work they missed while they had fun skiing. It was fun, but always a shock to jump back in to reality.

 So today my family is very glad it's Friday. 

Hope you all enjoy the weekend!

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