Saturday, December 4, 2010

Project Night

Several years ago, my evening Bible study group decided to have a project night at the end of November. Someone had the idea to use our last meeting to work on addressing Christmas cards together before we took a long holiday break. It really forced me to get everything in order regarding the Christmas cards/picture that I was planning to send to family and friends. Having this project done early completely changed the nature of the month of December for me. Before this time, I had spent hours in December trying to get the picture taken and printed, then get the envelopes addressed and stamped, and finally get them out the door and crossed off my list. This all took so long that it made December extra busy and used time that could have been spent on other things. I spent days worrying about getting the cards done. Our project night helped me change my ways and be able enjoy the season--I vowed to never go back to my old ways!

To make sure I prioritize getting the cards out earlier, I make a note on my November calender each year to buy my postage stamps, print or order address labels, and figure out what envelopes I will be using. I update any addresses that have changed over the past year and print out my address list. I gather everything in a basket, so it is ready to go.  Even if my picture isn't taken yet, I can get a great head start on the project by having the envelopes ready. I have even asked for the envelopes that will come with my photo cards before I have the card printed, in order to start addressing them early--the store managers have been very cooperative in allowing me to take them.

Last Monday I invited friends over for a project night to be held Friday night. Setting the date really pushed me to get my photo card printed, my postage stamps purchased and my address list updated. We gathered around my table after supper last night. Some friends made homemade gift tags, another friend copied some recipes, and I got my envelopes stamped, addressed, and stuffed. We ate chocolate, listened to music, and laughed and told stories. I love having a chance to spend an evening with other moms. I highly recommend "project night"--it is a tradition I plan to continue for many years.

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